Samick guitar serial number

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( KWM serial numbers = Korea World Musical). Solid-body electrics like the T-Bird, Bluesbird solid and S-100 come from WMI ( World Musical Instrument Co. A member on Gretsch-Talk said this factory is operational since 1992 and their current guitar production capacity is 35.000 guitars a month (420.000 a year)! Now those are numbers! 'P.T.' is an acronym for Perseroan Terbatas, a business entity that is formed and acts per commercial law. ( ISG serial numbers = Indonesia Samick Guild). Samick, in Cileungsi near Bogor, West Java, Indonesia.

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The new oddly named ' Starfire I series' now comes from P.T. Hollow and semi-hollow bodied models (Starfires, Aristocrat, A-, X-, T-models.) come from SPG ( Sound Professional Guitar Co, Ltd.) in Korea. Click to expand.We are in the bass area here, but nevertheless this is my break-down of the entire Guild Newark St.